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  • Writer's pictureBob Alligood

Cross country van delivery to online buyer

Speaking of availability! The driver of the Sports Van shown above drove for two days from Tennessee to deliver it to an online buyer in my area. Needing a VIN Verification to mail back to his home office for processing California registration for his customer, he phoned me at 7:30 a.m. anxious for quick service because he had to deliver the van to the buyer, then catch a flight for Chicago before noon on the same day.

Although closed for service at 7:30 a.m I offered to assist him as soon as he could get to my office, even though I had a 10:00 a.m. appointment in Vallejo.

My cross country driver left my office a happy man. I completed the Reg31 form promptly and sent him on his way.

I call that service with a capital "S"

That is my mission. Provide the best possible service to my clients and treat them like family. I enjoy my work mainly because I help a lot of good people daily.

P.S. I made it to Vallejo on time by 10:00 a.m. exactly. Smiles all around.

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