I verify classic cars that are complete with no missing parts. The serial number (aka VIN) must be readily available for me to examine.
It's very important to remember the above information, plus this note: the Serial Number or (VIN) must match exactly the number on your Title, or document of ownership. e.g. Bill of Sale or Registration Card. If you have any questions I urge you to phone me to discuss the verification issue.
Note: 1968 and newer must show an "Engine Emissions Label" located under the hood of the vehicle. This is required by DMV even thought it is smog exempt.
A 1970 and newer vehicle must have show a "Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Label." "This label will state: "This vehicle conforms to all U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards on the date of manufacture"
Utility trailers and camper trailers are required by DMV to have a VIN number. a 1970 and newer trailer must also have the Federal Safety Label. It will state: "This vehicle conforms etc.
I do not verify motorcycles due to DMV regulations.
Bob Alligood, Owner 707-694-3202
